Wednesday, June 27, 2012

CO Recess Week 3 Round Up

Week 3 Game Recap

Mile High Riptide: Game W 17-3 Flip Cup: Tourney Winners

The Peeps Show: Flip Cup Tourney 2nd and 3rd Place
We won the first game 4-0 and we won the second 7-1. Peep!

The Pink Tacos: Flip Cup Tourney: Contenders and Most Hugable Team at the Bar
The Riptide were too much for our 10 brave Pink Tacos; after a huge first inning they were up by too much to generate a comeback. I'm 20% sure 100% of their team kicked a home run, including Fancy Pants! ;) We will meet again later in the season, we can't wait! Oh, and our team photo is better than all the rest! Just sayin'!

The Codfather’s Kickballers: Flip Cup Tourney: Contenders and Late Night Rally-ers
The short-handed (9 players) Codfather's Kickballers rallied and worked hard (even with a fever) to take down the M.I.B. 7-5.

Sit on My Base: Flip Cup Tourney: Contenders and Late Night Ralley-ers
We played some yellow team. Just slightly bested us. Hahah. It's alright, they have some cute peeps on that team.

The Most Interesting Balls in the World: Proud Bar Attendees and Table Holders

Late Night Layups: Flip Cup Tourney Contenders

CO Mile High Power Rankings (Week 4)

The weekly power rankings are determined by a poll of 15 Denver-area sports journalists. Commentary is provided by Kip Sayless, former Catalina Wine Mixers beat writer and author of Seven Reasons Logic Can Be Defeated By Yelling.

  1. Your Mom (4-0) – The Kings (and Queens) of Small Ball are off to yet another hot start and seem motivated after last season’s embarrassing championship loss to American Riff Raff.
  1. STU GOTZ (4-0) – Will this be the season STU GOTZ finally breaks through with a win over one of their chief rivals? All signs point to yes, as long as the captain’s bitter custody battle is resolved before it infects the locker room.
  1. Dice. (2-1) – You have to question its players’ devotion to kickball after Week 3’s paper forfeit.
  1. Coming From Behind (2-2) – Has got to stop letting other teams come from behind, both on and off the field.
  1. Pitches Be Crazy (1-2) – An up-and-coming team that could do damage in the playoffs. Despite the name, its female players appear remarkably stable, independent and strong.
  1. Drunken Monkeys (1-2) – A .500 record awaits if they can pull out a win against cellar-dwellar American Riff Raff.
  1. Shenanigans (1-2) – It might be a rough week for Shenanigans as STU GOTZ looks to avenge the pilfering of star player Hat Girl. The early game might prove difficult as well, if Dice. decides to field a team.
  1. Drinkers With A Kicking Problem (1-2) – This feast-or-famine squad will be dangerous if it finds a bit of consistency.
  1. Bob Loblaws Ball Lawbers (0-3) – Showing up to socialize at Hayter’s would dramatically improve this team’s kickball skills.
  1. American Riff Raff (1-2) – The days are truly dark for this once proud franchise. No relief in sight.

Drunken Monkeys (-10.5) vs. American Riff Raff
Pitches Be Crazy (-8) vs. Ball Lawbers
Shenanigans (-5) vs. Dice.
Coming from Behind (-4) vs. DWAK
STU GOTZ (-12) vs. Shenanigans
Your Mom (-5) vs. Dice.

Monday, June 25, 2012

CO Mile High Week 2 Wrap Up

Week 2 Game Recap

Stu Gotz Coming from Behind came to play after losing to Stu Gotz 3 times during the spring season. They caught Stu Gotz sleeping and took an early 7 run lead to start the first inning. Once Stu Gotz noticed the "sweaty goats" signs the CFB team made comparing them to Satan, they decided to play for keeps. Stu Gotz rapidly closed the gap and took the lead near the last inning. Once they secured a comfortable lead, energy was kept for the second game of the double header.

After a major "come from behind" victory in the first game of the double header, Stu Gotz played with confidence. They took a commanding lead in the first inning and played as a team through the rest of the game. However, because Stu Gotz plays with sportsmanship, they were careful not to rub the victory in the other teams face. Stu Gotz is off to a hot 3-0 start this summer season. STU!!!!!!!!!

Your Mom Your Mom, WAKA’s 2010 Best Overall Team, returned the Cuernavaca’s battlefield. Miraculously, the team did not destroy their latest headquarters, The LoDominion, after the Spring season. However overzealous Your Mom fans led to the relocation of the headquarters’ main entrance. Predictably, this resulted in Brant “CLOOOOOSE talker” Gilbert wandering slack-jawed near El Chapultapec mumbling incoherently. Brant was later rescued by Lissa “Kate” Mokrohisky as she strolled home singing sweetly to a bottle of gin.
Captain Emily “EZ Eeee” Berman’s team of supermodels took on close friends, Coming From Behind, this week. Your Mom, active supporters of the LGBT community, were surprised by a sign the opposition brought to the game, but managed a handy victory nonetheless.
Off the field, the team is still getting used to the new bar’s “rules.” The flip cup and beer pong tables are inviting, and the prices are fair, but since when is peeing on the bar "offensive?" Your Mom managed a few drinking victories before stumbling back home. When asked for comment, Captain Berman responded, “Gunn Millp [sic?].”

Coming From Behind Part 2: The Reach Around
Coming From Behind 2 played a double header this week, first taking on our arch nemesis The Sweaty Goats. 
For the first game we started fast and made a dent in the three plus cases of beer and had a 7-0 lead after the third inning. 
But the beer caught up with us and we got distracted by sign making for our next game in the fourth inning. 
Kinda the same story for the second game, only this time Your Mom and the refs really liked our signs.
I think we represented at the bar again showing up in numbers, dominating at flip cup and beer bong, and being generally AMAZING.
Cab driver got a little unhappy after someone misplaced some bodily fluid in his cab. 
Kicked out of Illegal Pete’s because partially passing out at the table is not allowed.  
Some hook ups, not saying who but they did take place. 
All of this happened. 
So to wrap it up, just a normal Friday night for Coming From Behind 2 the Reach Around. 
Since Dice is on deck I see it happening again this Friday only with a win!

Drinkers With a Kicking Problem DWAK this week left the shit-storm of week one and came back with a 14-1 victory. The team does have an astounding 2-0 record in the all important category of chugging crisp beers for home field. We would like and intend to play home field the rest of the season. Last but not least the Big Ass Nachos are key to a succesful beer pong win series with the right amount of cheesy grease.

Dice.  You know you wanna.....SHAKE ‘EM!

Pitches Be Crazy Where My Pitches AT????????


Drunken Monkeys

Bob Loblaws Ball Lawbers Our new Mascots!

American Riff Raff After the party, there’s our after-party. Good news. You're invited. It’s ok, we’ll pick you up. We know where you live.

CO Recess Week 2 Wrap Up

Week 2 Game Recap

Mile High Riptide: For Riptide's first game we decided HEY why would we need 11 players in the field, 8 is just fine, so we conveniently had our last girl get stuck in traffic...Meanwhile, Anna "Oh No You Didn't" Branton demonstrated an MVP performance frolicking through Right Field snatching all sorts of balls...proving Minnesota people CAN catch. For our second matchup, Amber "My Pants are Fancier Than Yours" Kirchmer decided to show up, however she was scratched and bruised BEFORE we even started the game, causing many teammates to insist on her purchasing new carpet.  In other news, Graham Cracker is still currently recovering from all of the publicity he received after his ESPN top ten play broadcast of his AMAAAAZING freakish midair catch.
We look forward to continuing our undefeated season, I was told the undefeated team gets a cookie.
G'day Mate!

The Peeps Show: The table was set for epicness as The Peeps Show took on the Pink Tacos. With warms ups over and everyone with a solid game face, the players took their positions. The Peeps were the favorite and didn't disappoint. We starting strong and as the allstar players continued to show their experience, a victory all but seemed certain. Yet the the Tacos made a run, showing uncanny form and precision as they closed the gap. But in the end, Peep experience prevailed as Evelyn flipped the last cup to secure a Peep victory on the Flip Cup Table. Chirp Chirp!!!

On a side note we also won some sort of kickball game 9-6. To be expected of course...

The Pink Tacos: So we tried out this thing where we wear skirts...Jeff has the best leg on the team so of course he rocked it. He looked way better than Mark, even though Mark’s skirt was waaaaayyyy shorter (shhhh don’t tell him though, we don’t want him to feel bad!). We did a lot of clapping and there may have been a queef or two along the way, but we managed to give the Peeps Show some pretty serious lip service. Better believe we’ll be lubed up and ready for a re-match Week 7.  I hear lube makes Peeps dissolve....

Oh yeah, and we dominated at flip cup. Mostly because everyone was distracted by Jeff’s legs.

The Codfather’s Kickballers: After facing 10 consecutive giant athletic men in a very serious lineup, Codfather's Kickballers were a bit disheartened to drop 4 runs in the opening inning.  With the sun glaring, and the onslaught continuing, hopes faded quickly with another 4 run loss in the second inning.  But in kickball, hope never dies, and the kickballers were determined to rally.  With the captain bringing in a run in the third inning and executing a brilliant double play to stop the bleeding in the 4th, a glimmer of hope sparked into a fire of determination as a second run was scored in the top of the 5th!  Of course, only as they took the field, full of pride and ready to execute the best comeback in kickball history, did they realize they were the away team…the game was over…hope was lost…and the bar beckoned…

Final Score: 10-2, Codfather's Kickballers lose…

Sit on My Base: Without talking too much trash, we thrashed them, our rag-tag group of misfits started like a date...tough in the beginning, hard at the end. J-Pro started the game with a strong kick. Steve delivered an amazing pitching performance. The whole team worked together to close the innings quickly, and I did my best to talk crap and get dirty looks from MIB.

Side note, Next week we face the "peep" show...but we already took'em down at flip yeah...just saying.

The Most Interesting Balls in the World: We lost 8-7.  Down 8-3, in the bottom of the fifth, The Most Interesting Balls in the World! mounted a fierce rally, only to fall short by one run in the end.  However, we won the most important part of any game, the chug off, where we remain undefeated!

Late Night Layups: After some debate on the lady issue...we got the game rolling but were unable to lay it up against the Riptide this week. We did Lay it UP in style over the flip cup table with and against The Peeps Show and The Pink Tacos.

Welcome to the WAKA Denver Summer 2012 GMOT! 

This is your spot for weekly updates, standings, schedules, events, game re-caps, great pictures, the road to VEGAS and your thoughts on the week.